One House At A Time is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a better quality of life for Baltimore communities through vacant building receivership.

In our role as a vacant building receiver, the District Court of Maryland appoints us to transfer vacant Baltimore City properties to qualified rehabbers who will get them up-to-code and back in productive use. By streamlining the blight removal process, we help eliminate hazardous properties from our city, create safer neighborhoods, and increase revenues to support Baltimore City services.

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One House At A Time Video Thumbnail. Illustration of Baltimore rowhouse with One House At A Time logo on it.


After the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) identifies a vacant property, the District Court orders us to transfer the property through public auction. From there we begin the receivership process which includes qualifying bidders, hosting auctions, coordinating settlements, and disbursing funds.

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Identify Properties Icon

Identifying Properties

Preparing for Auction Icon

Preparing for Auction

Qualifying Bidders Icon

Qualifying Bidders

Auction Day Icon

Conducting the Auction

Coordinating Settlement Icon

Coordinating Settlements

Distributing Funds Icon

Disbursing Funds




Application Deadline. You must apply to become a bidder by 9:00 a.m. on the due date to participate in our upcoming auction.



Pre-registration Deadline. Approved bidders who plan to participate in the upcoming auction must pre-register. Email [email protected].



Auction Date. Bidding starts at 11 a.m. at Delta Hotels Baltimore North.

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a house that has been vacant for 25 years, burned out and an eyesore, become a vibrant place with people enjoying it…It’s a great feeling to do work that is useful and purposeful.

Mark Reed ,
Developer of 2100 block East Chase Street


Create a One House account to submit your bidder application, track your bidder status, and utilize our new One House Match feature that keeps you updated on available properties in your preferred locations.

Website photos by Wide Angle Youth Media.